Author Archives: ASO Blog

About ASO Blog

At Action Sport Optics we are leaders in sport & lifestyle optics with over 25 years industry experience. We pride ourselves in premium products from industry leading brands backed up by next level product knowledge & superior customer service. Eyewear is our vision!

Powder Jet , wooden powder boards

ASO is loving what Powder Jet is doing, another Vermont based company, making really cool performance wooden powder boards, hand built in Vermont. Check em out! Winter is right around the bend.

Danny Macaskill Industrial Revolution

ASO loves anything that makes us say WOW, and this definitely did, enjoy.

snowboarding in 1939

The debate of who actually invented snowboarding has been a long and hard argument. ASO thinks this video settles the argument. Here is a video of Gunnar Burgson, and the other co-inventors of the snowboard ( Harvey Burgeson and Vern Wicklund ) shredding it up in the 1940’s! They hold a US patent dated 1939.


Dragons Taylor Knox welcomed to hall of fame

Dragons Taylor Knox well deserved run to the hall of fame.

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