Chris Dixons Ghost Wave

Chris Dixons Ghost Wave is looking like a great book, full of big surf, adventure, and learning experiences all wrapped up in one! Check it out!

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This is my winter

Another one that makes us say WOW,  Xavier de le Rue is insane!


This is my winter – Teaser from TimeLine on Vimeo.


PRIZE PACK FRIDAY, who likes FREE stuff? 1 week from today we will give away these stylin Ashbury shades, Lg Tshirt, stickers , and 15% discount code good to the end of the year. To win you must share this post on FB,  and like our page, easy!  Friday Oct 14 we will pick a winner,  random prize packs every friday until swag runs out! spread the word!

En Route Alaska

En Route Alaska,  a place that should be on every serious snow sliders bucket list. Watch Dragon Alliance skiers Eric Pollard, Chris Benchetter, and friends get some AK style!

