Evan Geiselman | Dragon Experience II

Evan Geiselman rocking the Dragon Experience II, available right here with ASO!

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Filthy McNasty

Spy Athletes McGrath, Windham, and Cairoli clearly having a great day at Thing Valley Ranch, big stylie whips. check it.

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Comeback Kid

Native and Scott Athlete Kyle Ebbet is stoked to be on his bike and living life to the fullest again, 12 weeks after brain surgery this past winter. This is the way to get right back on the horse! Yea Kyle!

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Slope style added to 2014 Winter Olympics

This is pretty huge news. We are happy to announce that Skiing and Snowboarding Slope style have been added as Olympic sports!

The International Olympic Committee announced that mens and womens slope style, and mens and womens snowboard parallel slalom have officially been added to the lineup. While snowboarding’s inclusion into the Olympics had a pretty bumpy and controversial start, it is clear that it’s success paved the way for this to happen.

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