Julbo Photochromic Goggles

Julbo photochromic goggles are leaders in the industry with photochromic lens technology.  With over 120 years of optical heritage, Julbo brings the best technical expertise to their goggle collection with Zebra and Camel photochromic lens technology.  Photochromic lenses change tint on the fly based on the lighting conditions, and also offer the highest protection from harmful sun rays.  The Zebra or Camel photochromic lens can change from a visible light transmision of 40.7% to 6.6%  (category 2 to 4) in less then 30 seconds! Photochromic technology eliminates the need to have multiple goggles, or to switch out lenses to compensate for changing light conditions.  The Camel lens is photochromic and polarizing giving you the best of the best.  Action Sport Optics is pleased to offer 4 goggle styles from Julbo that all have the Zebra, or Camel lens technology.  First up is the  limited edition Glenak Goggle with Camel Lens technology.
Julbo Glenak Goggle
The Glenak is a unique pro model goggle from a pair of ski legends Glen Plake,  and Enak Gavaggio.  Glen is a true pioneer of freeride skiing and Enak needs no introduction himself as a top ski cross athlete and X games medalist. The Glenak features the Camel Photochromic Polarizing lens, airflow, dual soft foam, anatomic frame, extended outriggers for helmet compatibility, easy clip and silicone ribbed strap, and is a lg-xl fit.  The 2nd frame we offer is the Orbiter Goggle which is available in Zebra or Camel  photochromic lens technology, and is also spherical to boot.
Julbo Orbiter
The Orbiter is a lg to xl fitting goggle that is packed with high end features, if you’re looking for a weapon that will get it done in all conditions, the Orbiter will deliver.  The 3rd frame, the Revolution Goggle,  packs a punch with Zebra or Camel photochromic technology.
Julbo Revolution
The Revolution is a medium to large fit, and has proven it’s performance in the Julbo collection. The Revolution has become the benchmark goggle for mountain professionals, from first lines to last tracks of the day, this goggle won’t let you down.  The 4th frame is the Eclipse Zebra goggle and is a women specific medium sized frame.
Julbo Eclipse
The Eclipse Zebra comes with a spherical Zebra photochromic lens, womens styling, helmet compatibility, extreme comfort, great peripheral vision, and offers great performance and style in a variety of colors.

Visit Action Sport Optics, for Julbo Goggles. ASO is your online source for action sport and lifestyle related optics, we pride ourselves in great products, superior service, and fast shipping.

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Anon M1 goggle with Magna Tech

Anon M1 goggle with Magna Tech is a peek into the future of Anon Optics.  This goggle is a 2012-13 release that Anon recently put out this teaser video for.  The M1 looks to be pushing the envelope on the ease of changing lenses out, and they look to have nailed the style as well.  The M1 features technology called “Magna Tech” with magnets built into the lens that connect the lens to the frame.  This technology is looking to be the fastest lens changing system to date, we look forward to stocking this goggle at Action Sport Optics.

Visit Action Sport Optics, for the Anon M1 goggle with Magna Tech, ASO is your #1 online source for Action Sport and lifestyle related optics.  We pride ourselves in great products from the best brands, superior service, and fast shipping. Eyewear is our vision!

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Nike Open Halfpipe

Nike Open Halfpipe event 1 took place, and the Sean White, and Kelly Clark show is back in full effect.  These 2 athletes are so dominating it’s kind of ridiculous!  Kelly has won 13 in a row of major events, and Sean is just Sean doing his thing.  Spy Optics athlete Louie Vito is throwing down some very technical runs that would give Sean a run for his money if he could just get a bit more amplitude.

Visit Action Sport Optics, ASO is your online source for action sport and lifestyle related optics, eyewear is our vision.  We pride ourselves in great product, superior service, and fast shipping.

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Kyle Ebbett Interview

ASO:  Welcome to the Action Sport Optics team Kyle, we are stoked to have you.

Kyle:  Thanks, I’m stoked your stoked! And I’m happy to be working with a Vermont based company.

ASO:  Tell us a little bit about yourself, where you’ve been, where you are now, and where your going.

Kyle:  I’m a professional mountain biker, I started out racing, and got to be in over 10 MTB movies and videos, free ride always my passion became my way to make a living on a bike.  I ride everything from big mountain DH, cross country, slope style, street, park, dirt jump, to my little pump track in my back yard.  I have competed and won in almost every discipline of XC, SD, DH, DS, trials, bunny hop, dirt jump, snow racing, 4X, street, park, and slope style.  This summer at Burke Mountain bike and brew fest I won the Huffy bike toss! I couldn’t believe it.  I’m not that strong, but I think my golf skills helped me out by building bike toss speed and getting a good release! Gave my first place prize Dakine sweatshirt to my brother in law, he was pumped.  I live in Essex Junction, Vermont, I love Vermont, and I am going to kill it in 2012!

Kyles back yard video:

ASO:  Who are your sponsors?

Kyle:  Scott Bikes, SRAM, Rock Shox, Avid, Truvative, SDG, Mavic, Native Eyewear, TLD, Teva, and now ASO!

ASO:  What is your favorite kind of riding, and how would you describe your style?

Kyle:  That’s not an easy one, I will say when I’m on any of my bikes, and just pumping and flowing! I hear people say my style is flow and smooth, so I will say flow and smooth!

ASO:  Is there an area in your game your looking to step up or expand upon?

Kyle:  I’m working on a few things, I built this pump track in  my back yard so I can go win the pump track event at the Sea Otter Classic in Monterey California.  This spring I’m going to build a dual stunt course to practice on for the Teva games in Vail.  I will also build some stupid big jumps this spring!

Kyle Ebbett

ASO:  The Crankworx Colorado set up which you designed and built was looking insane! Tell us a little bit about the design, and where your inspiration came from for the set up.

Kyle:  I have been on the slope style tour since it started for MTB and was a top contender, I got hurt a couple winters ago training at Woodward East, I couldn’t compete so I started building the courses.  As a rider I always liked flow, so I put a lot of flow in the course. I also like big jumps that have perfect speed into them so you can float! It started small and ended big and you could trick top to bottom, perfect!

ASO:  How big was your crew, and how long did it take from start to completion?

Kyle:  I had a sick build crew, we lived in a house with a hot tub down the street, ate like family at the table every night, and it took one month.  Andy Holloway was my lead shaper, Ryan Mcevoy shaper/runner and grab stuff guy, James Hall the bull dog could move mountains for you, and Peter Mills was my go to guy who could get anything we needed from the mountain. Tools, trucks, logs, water truck, fire truck, grill, you name it and he would come back with it! We killed it, and everyone on the build team is a shredder! I almost forgot the famous Hooter, he has worked on the mountain forever and they put him on our team, he killed it and told us some great stories, so we named a jump after him, “The Hooter Booter”.

ASO:  Your back yard ( in the above video ) is looking pretty sick, tell us about this set up.

Kyle:  I’m super pumped on my back yard for the first time in a long time. I always spent my time digging in the woods or building event courses, but this year was a great fall and I have been digging like crazy in my back yard.  My good friend and super shredder Clay Demelo has been coming over and helping a ton.  Ryan Mcevoy 17 year old shredder helps me push it on the bigger jumps flipping and 3ing all the time.  I have a decent size jump line with a wall ride and a little on off box.  And new this fall an insane pump track!  The best one I have ever seen, and it’s in my back yard!

Kyle Ebbett

ASO:  Action Sport Optics is an authorized online dealer of Native Eyewear, one of your sponsors, what do you like most about Native products?

Kyle:  Native has great people working for them, they have been a great sponsor that really supports MTB free ride, and there glasses are a high quality bomb proof product.

ASO:  What are you up to this winter?

Kyle:  This winter is filled with course designing, and training for my comeback to competition this year.  I have a PT coach and she is getting me healthy and fit!  I will also be skinning up, and skiing down all the sick spots that we have around here in northern Vermont.  I will also hit the foam pit a bunch this winter and work on flip and 360 variations.

ASO:  Cool, any closing comments or shout outs?

Kyle:  Thank you ASO for bringing me on board, watch out I’m going all out in 2012!

Visit Action Sport Optics,  ASO is your online source for action sport and lifestyle related optics, eyewear is our vision.  We pride ourselves in quality product, superior service, and fast shipping.

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